Grafitis / Graffities

Arte Callejero II (Madrid, 30/08/2011)

Street Art II (Madrid, 30 Aug 2011)

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Otra muestra de la decoración de paredes en Malasaña...

Other sample of Malasaña neighboorhood walls decor...
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Arte Callejero I (Madrid, 07/09/2011)

Street Art I (Madrid, 07 Sep 2011)

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Madrid es un filón de motivos fotográficos... sólo has de coger la cámara y dar un paseo.

Madrid is plenty of photo targets... just take your camera and walk around.
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Los Errores No Se Equivocan (Madrid, 28/09/2011)

Mistakes Are Never Wrong (Madrid, 28 Sep 2011)

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Esta semana el señor Obama ha declarado que ‘considera que Europa se demoró en tomar medidas contra la crisis’. Es como si el que te pega un tiro te acusa de tardar en recuperarte...

This week Mr Obama said to press : ‘Europe measures against crisis have not been as fast as they should’. This is like the shooter blaming the wounded because he is not healing quickly...
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